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Palos Verdes Estates Real Estate Law Blog

Unfair Competition

Since unfair competition has become a bit of a hot topic in the media due to recent cases (i.e. United Airlines and Orbitz late December lawsuit against the founder of, some wonder about the burden of unfair competition. Is there a clear victim? Is...

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Mediation for Contract Disputes

Contracts have a purpose and it's a simple one. They exist in order to create a binding agreement between two or more parties. Unfortunately for all, there are times in which the binding nature of the contractual agreement is completely disregarded. In some cases,...

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Limited Liability Company or LLC

Many business owners find that developing a limited liability company (LLC) provides them with flexibility. It also provides additional tax benefits for the company. Unlike the corporation structures, a limited liability company or LLC is a type of hybrid legal...

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Fixing Simple Violations

It's important to remember that fixing building code violations is a simple process. In fact, it is as simple as contacting the right repair people to complete the repair process in time for the scheduled follow-up inspection. Approach the needed repair in an...

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